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Huge volunteer thankyou...


What a lovely morning at Hope Rising Farm. A morning tea was held for our many volunteers to come in with their families and be acknowledged for their work and time given.

Home made cakes and platters of fruit were enjoyed as people were thanked for their contributions to the charity.

Whatever the task the volunteers undertake Rachel reminded us all that the work we do contributes to the purpose of making a difference in a persons life, giving them the skills and tools to manage their life better and make good decisions.

The Hope Hands are truly a gift and help with the caring of the ponies, the holiday programmes, and doing whatever is needed on the farm with enthusiasm and a cheerful heart.

Rosie Cleland, farm manager gave special thanks to her family for their amazing amount of help behind the scenes, digger work, cooking, and the grand kids feeding the horses on particular days to give the staff the time off.

Maria Cleland currently acting as Operations Manager gave special thanks to Alison Clarke for the time spent on marketing, and in particular the new design of the website and functionality it brings.

We are also thankful for the volunteers that help us in other areas of the operation too.  Glennis helping us with catering, admin and always willing to put her hand up to help wherever needed. We also have numerous men, John, Kerry, Mark and Des that help us with work around the farm, completing projects for the operations to run smoothly.

After the presentations of thanks, it was time for the volunteers to share with their families their favourite pony and have the opportunity to make a fuss of them too, with grooming and patting them.

We are a very small operations team and so the help of our volunteers is so important in helping us to meet the vision of helping the vulnerable in our community.  The morning tea and small gifts was a way of the Hope Rising Farm team showing their immense appreciation.  Thank you.

If you would like to join the volunteer team


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We are so grateful to all our supporters who helped us in bringing our arena vision to life.

We LOVE our Arena

Our arena will make a huge difference to how we run our programmes!


Hope Rising Farm Charitable Trust
07 242 0782

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